Advertisement for selection of Senior Residents who may join PDCC, Advertisement No.
Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invited to the fill up against the post of various faculty positions on contractual basis for 01 year or till the permanent posts are filled which ever is earlier in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No.
3928 Dated 01-09-2021 for the post of Senior Resident who may join PDCC is amended as 11-09-2021.
Amendment Notice - The last date for the submission of form in the advertisement No.
Use of technology in our daily life essay.
List of Selected Candidates vide Advt. Document based essay question hinduism and buddhism answers essay about hector from the iliad, an essay about.
List of Selected Candidate vide Advt.3459 dated 10-08-2021.